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'Real' Area spells in Avernum 4?


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Divine Retribution is, simply put, the best spell in A4. Fire, stunning, and a heck of a lot of targets. That, and it's just so much fun to shout "RETRIBUTION!!!" at the screen...


Just kind of wanted to say that.


And in an attempt to say something useful, Arcane Blow is also an area spell now, as are the strange spells Aura of Flames and Diamond Spray, which only exist in wand form. Lightning spray is kind of an area spell, though it can be really weird about what targets it hits.

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If you've seen Aura of Flames in Geneforge II or III, you've seen Divine Retribution in Avernum IV. I think it would've been nicer to use the Reaper graphic effect for it, though. The Aura of Flames effect always looks to me as though you're out to singe all hairpieces within range, rather than actually hurt anyone.

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Lightning Spray isn't as unpredictable as it seems, by the way. It hits the target you select, plus up to two other targets, each of which is no more than 2 spaces away from the original target. It's only when there are more than two other hostiles within 2 spaces of the original target that it gets harder to tell who it will hit.

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I have noticed but cannot swear to a propensity for Lightning Spray to hit additional targets farther from the caster more than closer targets.


—Alorael, who wouldn't mind an arrow spell or two. They were nice to have sometimes in Exile. Area spells that fry friendly as well as hostiles added some more interesting decisions too, especially when in A4 you can easily take out your own tough fighters with the damage you dish out regularly via caster.

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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
So Lighting Spray is really the Searing Orbs of Geneforge, isn't it?

Correct, Lighting Spray is a clean rip from Geneforge, except with better targeting. In Geneforge, it would only hit "close" enemies in the same direction. Now you can have your mage stand with one foe infront of you, one to the left and one to the right, and hit them all. In Geneforge, you would have hit all if they were all standing to the left/right/back of you, or one, if they were not.
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