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A less presumptuous name.

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Everything posted by A less presumptuous name.

  1. I'm on a quarter system, so I only take four classes and I won't start until the very end of September, but I'll be taking: Honors Organic Chemistry Honors Physics Biotechnology for the 21st Century Science/Culture/Society in Western Civ. The latter two courses are filling gen-ed requirements. Excalibur's class list looks much more exciting.
  2. How can you definitively declare that someone is "evil"? It's hard enough to define evil, let alone use it as a concrete factor in determining someone's right to live.
  3. The Fourth is a day in Michigan for me. Every year we go out on my Uncle's boat and watch the local display over the water. Nothing beats that experience.
  4. The best way to climb through the Shaper ranks, as we all know, is to create hordes of "rogue" creations to attack nearby. Then go out and "pacify" them before absorbing them. Tadah! Instant hero! and nothing could go wrong. nothing at all.
  5. Sy, did you get lightning superpowers? If not, keep trying.
  6. I'm a bit young to be a Trekkie, but I've seen all 12 movies at this point. I've also recently decided to watch the shows. I'm on season 2 of TOS currently. Ahh, 60's scifi.
  7. You also... must remember... that William. Shatner. Reinvented. The ways... in which we stress... our syllables.
  8. I'm over 5 years at this point. Uggh, I'm so sold. Also, I was ready for him to go. I may get shot out of a cannon for saying this, but he got really whiny for the last few episodes.
  9. A lot of how I feel about the last several episodes has already been mentioned. What I'd like to add is something that I've heard as a critique of Moffat. It certainly seems to me like he has more trouble with stretching plot across multiple episodes. In seasons past, elements have slowly built up until the finale. That wasn't so much the case this last season. Sure, there are things going on, such as "Doctor Who?", but the season finale seemed much more stand-alone. Because of this, a lot of the finale seemed to be dedicated to build-up necessary for the final climax.
  10. I feel like I've posted in topics like this before, but hey. I'll take the +1 I listen to a variety of music. Right now I have some Goldfinger playing. I also listen to SOAD and Ben Folds (Five). A lot of my music library is filled with classical (note the little "c") music, from Beethoven to Mahler. I also like all manners of jazz, and have a bit, ranging from Benny Goodman to Maynard Ferguson.
  11. Ah, the ambiguity. Is the hike part of the "not", or is it an additional promise?
  12. Plot Twist: Jeff's next series will actually be made entirely in Minecraft.
  13. I was never really bothered by Kvothe's legendary skills. I plan to read the books again this summer, so we'll see if it sticks out more on a second or third read through. Also, we really don't know much about what will happen in Day Three. There could be an explanation there.
  14. I must have forgotten the part in HP where Harry lives as a "street rat" in a big city struggling to stay alive.
  15. Giovani gives the Earth Badge. Falkner gives the Zephyr Badge. Clair is the Legend Badge. Is Jasmine the Mineral Badge? Morty is Spirit Badge? And are we sure that Whitney isn't Plain?
  16. For the first part, there was also the lure ball. I think there was a speed ball as well. And Lilith, how could you forget the master ball? Togepi is a baby pokemon, isn't it?
  17. You're just pointing that out so as to get another +1. We all know that one can only comment once in a milestone topic, otherwise it just becomes a giant spam fest!
  18. Walrein. Edit: to be fair, I'm consulting with a veritable pokémon master for anything after gen two.
  19. Guessing that 2 is Fearow? 7 is Dragonite Is 19 Tyranatar?
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