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Everything posted by Carranzero

  1. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: Kind of disappointing ending. Getting it over was a relief to me too. Someday I'll go back and finish testing another singleton. You got the point - Relief
  2. Whoops. I think some cauldron bones came very early and killed him. So bad. How can I erase the quest?
  3. Quote: Originally written by Soy por el ser: Actually, they're both wandering around in the fields. —Alorael, who had trouble finding both of them until suddenly inspiration struck and both were located. Huh? Please explain yourself..
  4. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: If I recall correctly, he's a farmer who hangs around the northern part of town. No. He's Maxfield.
  5. I got a job in a town I don't remember that I have to deliver a letter to Vorhess. It says it's last addressed location is in Mertis. Though I cannot find him. Can you help me, please?
  6. Why, Avernum 1 had many different enemies (Sss-Thsss, the Nephilim, the Nephar, the Bandits, Brigands, Grah-Hoth, etc etc) And the final ¿epic? battle is against Emperor Hawthorne, of course. There you are
  7. Perfect. If you can get the GAME for me, i'll give you the legendary Demonslayer and 5000 coins
  8. Don't be idiot.. I'm searching for the very first Exile, which doesn't has the same graphics of Exile 2 and 3.. I think many here remember it..
  9. The Very First Exile 1, which had Paint graphics.. WHO HAS IT? PLEASE SEND ME A PM
  10. Yeah, you're right.. better not to tell Jeff what to do, it's always better to let HIS imagination to work out.. As he said in BoA: Better a tiny scenario with lots of NPC's and very developed than a gigantic world with almost no NPC and too many generic towns
  11. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: I think Jeff wants to keep Avernum 5 in Avernum instead of the Empire. Although some day he should get back to the surface to deal with the Darkside Loyalists. It would be nice to go back to the surface for a real adventure and not fighting plagues. avernum should import horses for faster travelling... i can't imagine myself riding a lizaard at high speed
  12. Hey. What about Avernum 5 being able to travel through all the Empire continents? It would be cool......---------
  13. chicho xD if you can locate it for me, i'll pay 300 gold coins and a blessed halberd..
  14. wenas, alguien de chile o q hable español? me manda un mensage privado porfa (do not delete please, my searching for people that plays avernum in Chile)
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