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About diablo_tk

  • Birthday 05/04/1987

diablo_tk's Achievements

Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. would you consider making it open source so i can have a go at making a mac os version or a version that doesnt require framework 2 in blitzmax PLEASE . Good work BTW. [edit] Oh and if you need someware to host it, email me the compiled version diablo_tk (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk[/edit]
  2. Quote: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally written by Red_Sage: I'm making one but unfortunately, it will only be for windows users (being as I'll be using Visual C++ .NET) and I dont think I have the stamina to allow for item editing. Itll just be stats, traits and money editing. Ive figured out most of the save format info with regards to characters. "Header" stores the little image, time, date and all that. "Data" is where character info starts. Stuff like Level, for the first character, is stored at the 23968th byte, stats begin at the 24006th etc. I was bored last night. p.s. i started because i didnt pay attention to the unlock door - tool use connection. Took care of that problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glad to hear it. Good luck to you! I could make a cross platform one using blitzmax but it would require knowing how the data is stored. however i would also need to buy a mac as well to compile it on and test it. unless i could find someone with bmax, a mac and the time to compile it. mm i could ask my brother who has a mac - but he lives ways a way from me - i might email him... now i just need to now how the data is stored, if anyone is willing to share that info... Edit: MADE A START- kinda I got the name of the save file using readline then skiped 33 bytes and then got your location by using readline again. But thats as much as i can do without know the rest of the file. i wouldnt know were to begin about finding the detials for the rest of the file.
  3. are yoou sure its on? --- try putting the contrast right up as well.
  4. email it to me and ill upload it. !!! diablo_tk (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk !!!
  5. save it as a bitmap... use a texted like so that only people who want it have to download it...
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