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wz. As

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Everything posted by wz. As

  1. wz. As

    Writing Game

    Disgusted with herself at her rapid change of mood from shock to fear to elation, and disappointed that she had learned nothing since yesterday about managing her emotions, she resignedly went back to bed.
  2. That's a very interesting analysis, SoT. Can I read more about it somewhere? Is it yours? All I've seen about it in the US media (which isn't much — I pretty much just read the NY Times) is negative, which is not surprising. But your analysis makes sense. (In fact, how else could they finance all the western bonds they're buying? Borrowing from somewhere else? I don't know enough about global economics.)
  3. wz. As


    The arbitrariness lies somewhere else. With history or linguistics or biology, you could say that the arbitrariness appears when you look at the world. The laws of the universe are fixed, but what happened in 1066 or which word we use to refer to a rose or which proteins take apart DNA are arbitrary in that the world might have happened differently. In math, the arbitrariness comes in setting up the rules of the game (contrast this with the fixed laws of nature), but once you have done that, everything that comes after necessarily follows from the rules you started with. Alorael, it's interesting that you cite angles of a triangle adding up to 180 degrees as an example of the non-arbitrariness of math. There are models of geometry — spherical geometry, hyperbolic geometry — where the angles of a triangle add up to greater than or less than 180 degrees, respectively. Of course, once you define what your model is, every truth that follows is a necessary truth.
  4. "Your most precious and rarest gemstones crushed into a fine powder, both of them" I think you meant.
  5. Originally Posted By: cfgauss http://www.news.utoronto.ca/science-and-technology/playing-video-games-reduces-sex-differences-in-spatial-skills.html http://news.msu.edu/story/6096/ https://www.msu.edu/user/jackso67/CT/children/ http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:yp379XK4iHgJ:www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_93397.html http://www.physorg.com/news148193174.html etc... On the flip side: http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/20...-but-what-else/
  6. Do attacks of opportunity happen across height differences? You could make a custom terrain which offsets its graphic to make the turret look like it's at the same height as everything else, but isn't really. Of course, then you can't have characters attack them hand-to-hand.
  7. How did the anonymity work out? Did you all end up figuring out the others' identities, or did you truly remain anonymous?
  8. I can't this round, as school is starting up again. Had it been last week I would have been in.
  9. Sounds like a good system. Anonymity is now mandated for everyone (unless someone outs themselves — would that be discouraged under the rules?), which also removes preconceptions about playing style, etc. Some will still be recognizable through their writing style, but that probably can't be helped.
  10. On a list of 8, let's say we know 3 on it and one that's not. That means you have to pick 5 names correctly, out of 9 roles (16 take away the 3 DLs, the 3 you already have, and the one you ruled out). That's 9 choose 5, so your chances of getting it right are 1 out of 126. Actually your chances are a lot worse because they might have random roles on that list that aren't actually in play.
  11. I like the change to the DL's win condition, and completely agree that the old win condition (having random targets) made working with them very unappealing.
  12. It seems that when attacking anyone whose role is uncertain, there's no downside to also specifying a location as the loyalist hideout, even if you don't know what it is. is this intentional? I agree that dionicio's job is now appropriately hard.
  13. Ah, I missed the hideout stuff from the rules thread. I'll post further comments there.
  14. With only two darkside loyalists, it seems like dionicio's job might be too easy. in game 10, as dionicio, I only personally removed one DL myself.
  15. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Wz. As, I didn't actually know you were Dionicio. I just randomly accused you in hopes of getting information, and ironically, my accusation was correct. Yeah, after my panicked response, I realized that your explanation for how you got that information was very unlikely to be true, and that you might not really know who my character was. Then I tried to backtrack and not admit anything but I don't think it worked too well. I guess it ended up not mattering.
  16. I knew what you meant Marlenny, but in case others weren't sure, I'm just writing it down so everyone can see
  17. That was fun. I played along with the established alliances this time, in contrast to my usual paranoid playing style, which definitely worked to my benefit. I basically did no investigation of my own, and managed to discover the identity of all the DLs through intel from allies. Good job Sarachim in particular. I agree that anonymous accounts will change the game for everyone, as long as the people using them don't go ahead and contact their usual friends anyway; that would make it just as easy for them but make it harder for everyone else.
  18. wz. As

    Just realized.

    It brings me no pleasure, and I always apologize afterwards. you're right, I should have broken it to you more easily. sorry.
  19. wz. As

    Just realized.

    Originally Posted By: Thuryl Originally Posted By: Hypnotic Oddly enough, the numbers 1-9 have fewer results the higher it is. Therfore I pick '1' as it yeilds the most google results. This is an example of a known and well-understood statistical pattern called Benford's law. Benford's law is a statement about the distribution of leading digits of logarithmically distributed data. The words '1', '2', ..., '9' might very well be distributed logarithmically across google search results, but that's not really an example of Benford's law.
  20. REGISTER WZ. AS (excitement)
  21. "When a character is killed, his or her death will be announced in the main thread. Other things, such as sales in the moderator shop or land being explored, are also announced publicly." Will you announce which player explores which land? Or only that a region was explored?
  22. zombie topics vs topical pirates vs ninja snipers vs nephils vs sliths.... FIGHT!
  23. when has anyone ever cared about staying on topic 'round these parts? threads have a life of their own and all that, right?
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