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Everything posted by Owenmoz

  1. Because changes don't happen when we think sth else is right; changes only happen when we can afford it with some theory breakthrough, bad results from trail and error, and a relatively peaceful society to carry it out Slavery abolition and gay rights and women rights didn't happen because we could afford it and through trial and error. It happened because people fought for that. Its not proof that some beings are equal in any capacity that creates change. Its people fighting for it. Sometimes actual wars. You will still find a good percentage of the world's population doesn't think/feel black people, lgbt people, women are equal, same as you'll still find people that think animals should be abused. Both are restrained to some degree by laws and the rest of society. Oh, no i wasn't arguing for medicinal progress, i was saying you presented us with an evil of society without giving us the means to solve it. That being said im for medical progress. I find pointless and avoidable death irritating and unfair. Besides we also manage to offer some relief to animals as well due to said trials. The whole veterinary industry sorta provides for a better life for animals. I and many others accept death as part of life. I and many others don't accrpt avoidable death. How does one root evil by the core? Ask the millions of oppressed people, not to be killed for who they are and not to be denied services is good enough for us. Weather that service was given willingly or forced by law doesn't matter much. And people are totally fine with other people going back home and fantasising about denying them services. Seriously if right now you are having a vivid fantasy of mass murder its bad for you. But so long as you don't do the mass murder i very honestly don't care. Im not the thought police. And finally i believe the good we do isn't so we can feel good about ourselves its so our children are faced with a slightly better world than we have right now. Look, my child won't have to go through conversion therapy if they are lgbt. I am so glad people fought for their rights. Same as whatever significant i can do now will help the future. By taking one less thing people will have to worry by then. These laws condition culture. Most of these evils as alhoon explained are cultural/generational. The laws we implement now might not be accepted by our generation. But over time people will see it as common place and obvious. We die with our backward ways and future generations won't have them. The vast majority of dogs would rather stay home with humans than be released into the wild. We may not have been "right" in domesticating them. But even if they can breed with wolves it is too late to release them into the wild. Cats can also cross with servals and caracals and some other felines. It represents compatibility not real viability of a domesticayed species in the wild. And by now just releasing them all would prove disastrous to the ecosystem. Like alhoon says; even if non existent something can still be remembered and serve as fuel for change among others. And its not like we don't fight against the abuses of martial law. And there is the geneva convention and other treaties that manage the law of war. Progress would be useful even with the power difference. The average white person lives better than the average black person and has more previlege and power(Even in Africa, cept maybe Zimbabwe). Does it mean we would all rather go back to being slaves? No. We actually have many examples of rebel traitors and deserters. In the end of g4 we are sent all to a village. Ok. I personally dislike dogs immensely no matter how cute they are i will always see them as petty and evil things. So i'll avoid speaking on their rights because i am very biased. Belief that something is right is necessary for progress. Were we all apathetic about it we wouldn't have come this far. (True inquisition was also brought through belief. But there is being overzealous and irrational and there is standing for something). Also, alhoon; Lo, behold; Owen a Bantu with no slaves. Pygmies are discriminated against sometimes not allowed into school. Dennied resources and opportunities but slavery? Unless you mean exploitation. But enslaving pygmies? Now a days? Right now i live very close to DRC and while i wouldn't put my hand on fire over it being non existent. I can assure you it is not cultural. It is a deliberate choice if/when it happens and they should be severely punished. There reason why D.R.C is unnable to protect their rights is that until 2011 they were in an ugly ugly civil war. Up to now they don't have full control of their country, with sudanese, ugandan, until recently angolan, and Rwandan armed militias within their borders. Noteworthy to say that the Rwandan militias are in good part huttus that participated in the genocide. The ugandan are in good part of idi amin's cronies, and the south Sudanese were some honestly just refugees and other still a considerable ammount militants in the south sudan civil war. Being that Congo has the highest population of pygmies it honestly wouldn't surprise me much. But let me strongly reiterate that it is not cultural and they are evil despicable bad people who i honestly believe are unnable to be reintroduced to society. To prove it all their governments want them back to execute them for a litany of crimes.
  2. You cannot release diseased animals unless you have cured them, which is a relative priority at least where i interned. I was talking about gm animals. If the trial failed, the disease couldn't be cured/the side effects are too heavy the animals are killed. But like i said there is a push for voluntary human trials because it will raise the standards of accuracy before there are trials. Using other animals is convenient for people who can't be bothered to work theoretically on side effects and effectiveness of drugs. Its easier to just stick it in a monkey, see how it reacts and fix it from there. Which is why the push exists, because alternatives to that exist. Of course animal trials will still exist for a long while. There is also research on tissue culture to bypass living beings completely(cept on behavioural/mental health) For now we do with what we have. Years ago we used chronically sick, mentally ill and the lowest of the social class for said trials(relatively recently there were the syphilis trials in the US). I'm not saying all is good, i am saying it is better than what you say/imagine if anything because we have the ability to evolve culturally and things change. So no, i at least don't hate you or think you evil. Only no offence, but a little shortsighted if you can't realise this. If reality was that bad when you studied medicine, its not perfect but its much better now. You don't just get an animal to mistreat. You go through a whole load of bureaucracy and peer reviws until your research is deemed relevant and worth the lives you'll take away. As i said above. Buring animals for testing medicine is also not done as far as i know. People simply wait for the next bushfire and do their trials then. Few as possible deaths like you said, horrifying deaths in some cases, many cases really. But still better than before. Even if "before" is as low a standard as it gets. In any case, both in shaper and in real world just because it happens, doesn't make it right, your job as an individual is not to accept the evils of society but to try to change them however you can. That being said gazers are a danger to society i stand by my ground. Lastly humans have hard time treating others as equals be they women, gender identity minorities, sexual orientation minorities, ethnic background minorities, religious minorities etc. And those are humans. For now it would be enough they have rights. Lastly you are unlikely to achieve much if you present ills without a means to solve them. If you tell me right now i have terminal cancer what good will it do me? I can't treat it. I can only feel bad and mope. Or pretend it isn't there or accept it. Now if you tell me i have early stage cancer and explain to me chemotherapy the process pricing etc... Now then you'd be doing something good. Edit: I am sorry i was hostile before but i have had my fill of people talking about genetic superiority without realising(or realising, it doesn't matter) last time it was taken wide and serious the holocaust happened. I automatically put you on a bad sack.
  3. Jesus Christ thats is not at all how it works. You should be conscious enough to make them sterile and not release them into the wild but nowhere it states that they must be destroyed just for their existence. And we do in controlled ammounts and settings release gmos into society. Most of what we eat is so. And there is no such things as just killing animals for sport in the laboratory. Its a whole process including peer reviws before you go doing trials. And more and more there is pressure for voluntary human trials. Among many other reasons because we simply will do the very best we can to make the trials safe for humans. You talk as if you have experience in working in laboratories, but yet you seem to be oblivious to laws and ethics on them. Finally bio-control is based mostly on transfer of species not native to an habitat. Tbh idek why i even bothered adressing that commentary. Obviously baiting for a way to vent your social views. Sadly we have similar professional setting and I can't just let you go around spilling first grade faeces as if they were fact. Also you do realise genetic "superiority" does not exist. If humans evolved into armless saprophytic irrational slugs; that would be superior to what we are now. The "fittest" is that which manages to procreate. Which in part is due to the ability to endure nature. But imagine me going into an in depth explanation on how cockroaches and tardigrades are infinitely superior to humans and will outlive us all. Newton was brilliant and our society is built the way it is nowadays in many ways thanks to him. But he never had children therefore he is not "fit". Now please go ahead and preach on superiority. I actually want to see you call Newton inferior.
  4. It was the second statue i had a problem with. It wrecked my team. why i took the truce next fight. I could take velusa and that demon at the same time still. Good tip on just running away. Also on Zenethron; How very tastefully finished. Hats off!
  5. Ikr. I actually took his truce offer when he gave it. Being a shaman seeing that statue was the end of my ability. Too much trouble. Although i honestly had slightly more problems with zenethron he can one shot me easily. Esp if resistance chant goes off. Velusa himself didn't do much damage but the fight as a whole was way too complicated and you couldn't focus on beating him to a pulp.
  6. Alright i haven't gotten the newer version yet so im not sure if it was fixed. But while i was messing with the difficulties i found out that both zenethron and velusa can be fought on casual and you still get the medal. If the first and the last round are in torment round. With velusa it must be in torment as well when he offers to stop fighting. It is exploitable and sort of erases the point to the medals. So here's a good "bug" to fix.
  7. I wouldn't mind the fix, it doesn't affect almost any other fight. And this fight is one of my favourite battles in all games. The writing was so in sync with the battle and mechanics. Everything was heavy and challenging while being fair. It really is the crown jewel of this game in my opinion. You could actually panic for a sec on the encroaching acid and your inability to run. I really take my hat off on that. Really fun and rewarding. On top of my head other tips i can give is divide the potions and scrolls through the players. Since if the player that has them dies they go for good. If you don't want or have gotten already the neverressurect achievement make sure all have resurrection scrolls on each player.
  8. Bro its been a month and im still half pissed half sad half disbelieving. But you should finish it. It has some very interesting food for thought somewhere. Perrin's arc is actually very interesting as it goes. Etc.. But sorry about the spoiler i should have been more specific on the magnitude of it. We can cry together when you're done That being said im sort of pleasantly surprised that the first two gay characters on the series were introduced(not really introduced but ya) by a Mormon writer. Who would have thought. +Points for trully being the book with the most diverse world. So im thinking about buying his other books. Not mistborn though. Strikes me as very uninspired. Also i feel your pain lambda closure. Been reading the inkheart trilogy again. Still aint done with the first book. The meager 200 or so pages book is taking me an eternity to finish. Not that i would say its a bad book. Its still good. But not as captivating as it was earlier. And i still love Gwin more than anything in most books i've read.
  9. Theoretically Gods are traditionally named gods first in creation, second in imortality(although that should have another name, gods can die there are some examples, they just are invulnerable to time) and third for power. In that aspect i suppose redbeard is more of a god than velusa. But usually in fantasy lore even if killed; a creator still maintains status of a diety. Also the main antagonists of many fantasy books are in a way gods. I.e. Melkor, Shaitan, Daedric Princes(although they can't die but lorkhan did die), nouda and ramuthra, etc...
  10. And then it quickly derailed to edward cullen and damon and stephan. Im very ok with killing bad literature. Though more as a favour to mankind than challenge. Sadting
  11. Heavily recommend playing morrowind again. I bought it again recently. The graphics were a horrendous slap on my face, it took a while to get into it but its a good good game.
  12. I'm agnostic so i go through that loads of times. It doesn't even have to have a warlike past. Although to be fair, the fact that velusa is actually there(physically) draws a line with real life experience. Although true. If im to look at that completely objectively(and, please note im for religious tolerance and my intent in the following comment is not to offend or invalidate any) both are based on something made by humans. One is a super zombie the other is scriptures which divinely inspired or not, were written by humans. That being said velusa is relatively wise and benevolent. Most tawon gods seem to be. At one point or another. But seem detached from humans. As if they actually believe they are gods. In any case my major problem is; the achievement becomes kill a super zombie. Not kill a god. For one it makes my sense of achievement go away, the medal is meaningless. For another it is too crude. I think you yourself said once that fantasy doesn't necessarily need originality, and that clichés can work(with sources to back up) so the other way would be fine if well written. Then also crystal souls rehash(i only liked the crystal souls cause of relative novelty and considerable action in the series you actually get to know some and lore on them is extensive. And they don't see themselves as gods) i don't think a tinkermage construct would be much better though. reeks too much of psycho pass. And its boring and ultimately offensive to man kind that they would be that much of a fool to worship a robot. Besides my favourite games had gods in them and im ever so eager to fight them and ever so iffy about actually killing them(my view is if you managed to become a god you deserve to stay a god, and only you should decide your end. Unless you're an immediate threat to mankind). Cept for gwyndolin in dark souls annoying and undeserving of his godhood. Even if horray for representation. Extremely annoying. Anyway that means i have to go back to a2 and finish the job there. Fighting zombies is so much less exciting...
  13. I've done the 5 factor thing it was pretty accurate. It also called me extremely unfriendly and started this whole ramble. But at the same time i'll have to agree that it was relatively boring and predictable. But really really accurate. For instance it has small factors like you can be friendly but uncooperative. You can be self conscious but not vulnerable. You can be excitement seeking but score really low on other extraversion characteristics such as activity. That sets it apart from other tests. I did the colour quizz years back it was fun. And accurate. And weird and i don't understand it xD Im taking it again. Almost like magic Oh no pottermore for me. That site is chaos. I never even managed to successfully create an account(jk, i did that. But couldn't figure out the point to it.) Also like dintiradan i know by elimination i'd be on Hufflepuff. Im an underachiever and that sorta eliminates me from the rest. There is a new quizz on whats your patronus but it sadly requires an account too. Edit: Done with the colourtest. Its witchcraft
  14. Not necessarily. Take the same test twice and you might get horrendously different types. The inaccuracy is mostly because it is assumed people have one type for life. Nit that i mind that preset but it doesn't really correspond with the results. Besides it analyses people based on 4 characterics giving you the possibility of any combination. It is a good, but limited in a way. Say that what im looking for is something to compliment that. I suppose my last issue with mbti is the relative fame and understanding of the test and types. In general depending on the person quite a few would want to be either intj or infj because those are assumed the "better" types. That kind of bias makes a number of people to unconsciously or not try to get those, thus adultering the results. Maybe not significantly but its there. Unless you mean that no personality test is accurate. Then i agree, very true. But avoiding them in general won't give me answers while im confident that by crossing all "good" tests i might have a clear view on stuff. I'll probably grow out of it soon. But for the while i'd prefer doing other than waiting.
  15. I like it. Esp the complete one. And some options are really entertaining.
  16. Lawful neutral. I envy your ability to make choices completely internally. But because of that i doubt we'll agree like i said. Still though. Im genuinely glad you see the need for him to go away.
  17. Due to some recently aquired time, also cause i am still at that age where people give a hoot about who they are that leads to horrible existential dread; Does anyone have some fun but accurate. Or either of those. Personality tests other than mbti(which btw; not accurate)?
  18. It happens if you don't convince her to come with you to avadon. Although its possible that she runs away with Redbeard as a keeper. Idk you'd have to give me a few days. But i know getting her to come with you plays a role
  19. No. When you click on an anvil all the team mates' inventories appear
  20. Well finally you see the need to overthrow him. That being said avadon is above pact law, the hands are the law, you can make it legal with a word, what you say is the law etc... Are pretty much pointing to the fact that you can kill anyone or do anything and its legal. Cept disobey the keeper. The keeper is more law than you are. Unless you become the keeper. Then he's dead and you're the keeper. Anyway. The council has resources to take care of that. Worst case sce they'd ask avadon to take care of it. The hands obviously have too much time. They didn't ask. Redbeard later says its because they could be used as informants. What she did is the sane as Dedrick. Senseless massacre with very loose legal grounds for it. Only good thing is she doesn't fake remorse at it. Much less go out whistling after the deed. The worst part is that after disbanding the camp she had the chance to let trupo go. Why kill him? Not to say about the peop who were simply refugees and not deserters. But at this point i don't really expect to convince you. On avadon we tend to disagree very strongly.
  21. She is above the pact law therefore not of it therefore deserters are no concern of hers. Thats for hanvar's council not for her to decide. The hanvar council has plenty of reason. Redbeard could have plenty of reason. Faced with a situation like that she should have reported to her superiors and waited for orders. Hands are given leave to make decisions on any situation. But that is for them to be better tools. In a temporary setting they can decide whats best for the pact in their opinion. And while they could by law murder all the councilors doesn't mean they should.
  22. Im glad that point was brought on abuse of power. Because it was in the power of that mayor to send her to the dungeons. He did it and she paid for it i suppose considerably. Why would she go and do the same, I'm yet to know. Because both used avadon's power of impunity. And the silly part is even Redbeard and the Black Fortress allowed some measure of restitution for their mistake where to the end she thinks she's on the right of things. Whats worse; by the time of that senseless massacre the war was on the pact's side. The farlands were pushed back significantly. Even the tawon lost ground. What we were doing was basically asserting the terms of surrender. What she did didn't wouldn't have changed anything. In avadon 2 there was a point to it. And the consequences of killing that guy would have been much worse, yet i'd do it with so much less hesitation... But in honesty; i think its because all characters became severely one dimensional. For instance Silena Bottan and Nathalie together all make the Sorcerer from Avadon 2 A pacifist more interested in knowledge and invention than anything else. Khalida and Ruddow together make Dedrick. They just lack depth. And they all seem to have only one motivation for their actions. And one personality trait of note. Cept silena who has no personality trait. But true, Jennel and Nathalie's rivalry gave more life to the first game. Shima and Nathalie's passive aggressive thing on berazza also was fun. Nathalie's pitty of the blade master. Etc.. Avadon didn't have that but it compensated with well written characters. To adress on the keepers. I never really gave it much thought since Redbeard just leaving is my end goal. So long as i can do that. But i think its not as if there would be no assassins from outside its just that they are not to worry about. Avadon has more and better resources. Only Avadon people can make a feint at understanding Redbeard. And also most of his previous assassin's and betrayers are from Avadon. I suppose you mean what people say that its the hand's duty to overthrow a keeper. I think thats more of ability than law.
  23. I honestly don't think it's the cuteness. Tbh i don't think she's cute exactly. Maybe its the age. She at least on the first game was extremely young and that plays a factor her attitude is almost out of those cliché teenage movie mean girls kinda thing. But in this case its not only richness and family that backs it up. She is intelligent and powerful and more than willing to prove it to others. So its a weird mixture, her character doesn't really fit in fantasy writing and thats an oddball kinda thing. That being said khalida is much better written. I suppose having more background than wealth and family helps. And her situation was tricky, her personality had more depth. On A2 i really liked her due to her quest line. It was genuinely important and personal to her. But i didn't quite like the person she was, thats only worse in a3 cause no interesting quest line, and i suppose she's more free to be herself (which is a person i don't really like).
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