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About eXtremeJeep

  • Birthday 11/27/1977

eXtremeJeep's Achievements

Articulate Vlish

Articulate Vlish (4/17)

  1. The trouble ones I have ran into so far were: Tassik-Schai was tough for both the girlfriend and I but we were both able to beat it without having to come back by using a bit of strategy. The chief in Underground Fortress, but I assume this fits in as the first time we are there were supposed to be "sneaky" Blossthus in Neph Fortress. This one I did have to come back for after I cleared out the rest. I managed the Spiral Pit one, and even a bit before I should have but there again I used strategy over brute force. So mostly for me it was just the one or two early on and things have evened out now. I also think it was because I had not focused enough of my points into my main attribute and/or battle skills as I was getting my cave lore/tool use up. Now that I have focused more on those points I don't miss over 50% of the time like I did early on. BTW now = my lv 18 party and early on = my party around lv 10-14.
  2. Heh my game has almost 300 fallen characters and 8 lost parties. But we have two people playing on it. And I personally did some dungeons way before I should.
  3. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Superba It's all right, thanks, it's only a new way to find to do same things. I wonder why this feature has changed. Is it maybe because this way game programers can now store valuable objects in same town boxes, with the assurance you can't take them before being strong enough to kill someone really strong and fight a whole riot against you in town? Apparently one of the reasons is the existence of the iPad version: it's hard to point very precisely with the iPad's touchscreen, and players kept closing doors by accident in Avadon while trying to move through them. So A:EftP keeps you from closing doors, and was designed around that constraint. I think a "Close Doors" option would have been a better solution then pure removal.
  4. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Unfortunately, in a true all-out war like that one that's been going on for generations, the option is probably realistic. This isn't a war between two groups of people who are fairly similar but are willing to kill each other over an ideological or political difference. This is a war between two different species who can't communicate and who are both trying to use dangerous, dark forces to get an advantage in the war. Avernites view it as kill or be killed. It's also been going on for around 40 years already, and seems to be fairly total (given how isolated Gnass & L.B. are from the rest of the Sliths) so it's not unrealistic to assume that Slith babies will grow up to be Slith warriors throwing spears at humans. This is not a defense of killing babies, BTW. But I think this is how that dilemma fits into the game. This is true as you and others point out, however it is not your war. Your new in Avernum and finding your own way. Therefore you don't have the hatred for this race like the others do, up until a week ago you had never even heard of them. Also some would find assassinating the Emperor wrong, I believe thats why its not the only way to beat the game.
  5. As a rule I do not usually steal, and never take anything marked NY. I don't really need to as I am usually rich enough and have enough nice items. Course I am also weird and my characters carry around pipes, and dice, and mugs for drinking even though they don't really do anything I do miss the door closing though, as I would use it strategically in a fight.
  6. So I have a location that shows the quest, "Works of Magery". But I do not see it on my quest list, and I have cleared out most of the area minus one barrier and I am not sure what I was supposed to be doing there.
  7. So tonight I had to go eat dinner with "The Fam" by The Fam I mean my girlfriends mother and step dad. After I got home we recorded the December episode of Geopunk (tinyurl.com/geopunk, hate me later for shameless promotion). Then when I was done, I told the GF I would check to see if A:EFTP (Avernum: Escape From The Pit, for those not in the know) was out. It was at this time I saw this post. I truly have no idea what's going on in this post. I think its something important, but im not sure.
  8. Originally Posted By: Mike B. Well, with Avernum 6 I went out and bought a mac mini. My first mac and I must say that I use it more than Windows 7. My W7 box is just for games. Mac mini for everything else. -Mike I know for 2, maybe 3 Avernum games I used a Mac emulator. Luckily my girlfriend now has Mac so im all ready to go.
  9. Originally Posted By: Erasmus also FYT: http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/than.html sigh I understand that I am wrong, but well...just sigh Course you could also be reasonable and actually type out A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. instead of aSoFaI. Granted I am only assuming here since I really have no idea what you are talking about. We get it, your intelligent. Im sure your mother is very proud of you.
  10. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires for aethirweb and extremejeep: if you can't find anything else to play while waiting Avernum: EFTP then I suggest you to play Arcuz 1 or 2 or both (those are flashgames) which require many hours to be put on playing. Been staying busy with the Hero's of Neverwinter game. Kinda cheesy but its not too bad, and its free and flash.
  11. Yeah im jonesing for this game. My GF actually owns a Mac and I really want her to play this game (I know ive said this in another post somewhere). Also I have nothing but free time this month I cant wait to spend lost in Avernum!
  12. Originally Posted By: VCH You know, I have a disability when it comes to pronouncing names—I pronounce some letters in a name while ignoring and/or adding others. For example, Erika = Eureka. I am a terrible fan, lol; but I will say that her real name is actually pretty lame. The girlfriend and I were talking about something similar to this the other day. We have both read LOTR but since we did it before the movies came out we said the names of people and places MUCH differently then they did in the movies. This also happens with video games I have noticed when I will talk to people who also play them and we will refer to the same people/places by very different names.
  13. Do not feel bad, I have been doing the same. Shame there isnt a mailing list I could sign up for
  14. Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit Things I've streamed on Netflix recently: The IT Crowd Dead Like Me Doc Martin George Gently The Catherine Tate Show Battlestar Galactica The Worst Week of My Life Head Case Important Things with Demetri Martin I was amazed at how funny The Catherine Tate show was.
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