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StephanA's Achievements

Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Thanks alot, after removing the 8 NE quadrant sentinels at the 2 barrier passages I may now be able to avoid the patroling sentinels easier (I can flee in all directions now ;-) Stephan
  2. I startet to break into the NE quadrant of tranquility to find out if there are other things worth to investigate in (I already did the stealth quest and visited the NE tower). After killing about 7 of the crystal sentinels I got a message, that people would get crazy if I continue killing sentinels. There seems to be limit to the number of sentinels one could dispose off and still be able to trade with people. Does anybody know this limit? Thanks stephan
  3. Why fight Nociduas? I got my Emerald Chestguard with the help of speed and nimble fingers
  4. Worked like a charm with Avernum, thank you! I will contact Jeff for moving the Geneforge registration. Stephan
  5. I have Geneforge and Avernum 3 registered for MacOs 9. Now that Geneforge for Os X is out and with Avernum 3 for Os X already in beta, I would prefer to play these games under Os X. The only problem is I don't know how to transfer the registration from 9 to Os X. Any help out there? Are the safe files in the same format in both systems? Thanks Stephan
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