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Aaron Kashtan

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Aaron Kashtan's Achievements

Garrulous Glaahk

Garrulous Glaahk (8/17)

  1. Thanks, that worked. I am kind of curious as to what I was actually supposed to do, though.
  2. How on earth am I supposed to win this fight? The lich keeps killing my guys in one hit, and I don't understand the connection, if any, between the energy spheres and the intensity of the flame.
  3. What exactly causes the barrier to vanish? If I've completed the Fort Dranlon quest, then will the barrier still be there?
  4. Is it reasonable to try to beat Nociduas when I'm doing the marauders quest, or should I come back for him later?
  5. How do I get this quest to show up on the job board? Do I have to do the Bone Shards quest first?
  6. I figured it out. Thanks for the help.
  7. I'm currently on Levitt's set of three quests (Silvar, Fort Dranlon, Cotra). I just visited the Honeycomb for the first time and found the Dragon Gate. However, it seems like I can't explore the Honeycomb much further because there are all kinds of blocked passages. I can't find the secret entrance past the Dragon Gate, or the lair of the brigands. Am I not supposed to be able to do these things yet? Do I have to come back later by boat, like the items list suggests?
  8. Originally Posted By: Thuryl By evidence, he means physical evidence, as in papers. Search the parts of the fort you've been in more thoroughly. Thank you. That box was pretty hard to see.
  9. Thanks, but I don't mean the Loyalists in the lower level of Fort Spire. I mean the ones in the Wild Abyss Woods, southwest of Spire. What do I have to do to tell Commander Melo about those people?
  10. What do I have to do to complete this quest? I went to the bottom floor of the Remote Abyss Fort, and saw the special encounter saying that there were some very dangerous people there. But when I went back and talked to Commander Melo, there was no dialogue option to tell him about the fort. Do I actually have to kill the loyalists in the fort (which is infeasible at my current level) to finish this quest?
  11. I killed some bandits north of the Great Portal, in an area of the Honeycomb that's accessible before the gate to the Tower Colony is open. I didn't actually find the hideout below ground -- I got the impression that the underground hideout is only accessible if I enter that area from another direction. So have I missed the chance to do the Honeycomb Delivery quest? If so, that's kind of annoying.
  12. I have a question that kind of relates to this topic. I'm currently doing Meryhew's second set of three quests (Western Excavation, Tower Colony, Almaria). When am I supposed to go past Fort Saffron and visit the Abyss? Am I going to be given a plot-related reason to go there, after I do the current round of quests?
  13. I'm at level 12 and exploring the Western Reaches for the first time. I can survive against the Ancient Worm for a while, but then there's a message saying that the worm got angry, and suddenly it starts doing over 100 damage with its area of effect attack. Is there any way I can win this fight now? Or should I come back when I have more health?
  14. Oh well. Thanks for the information. I have another unrelated question, and I suppose I might as well post it here rather than start a new thread. I assume that doing the Skribbane Eaters quest is a bad idea because it robs me of the opportunity to sell skribbane for experience. Does that mean that I'm stuck having that quest on my list forever? Or should I just wait to do it until I've found all the skribbane in the game?
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