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Spire of Ages-Amphora of Wine

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According to the Book of Answers I needed an amphora of wine from a barrel in the garden. Found it, put it in my inventory and made my way up to the top level to place, among other things, the skull who wants a drink first...I no longer have the wine and there is none to be found in the garden.


No problem, right? I'll find out the item number from Synergy's list (166), use the character editor the way I did for Reptrakos' tablet and away we go....only it doesn't work! I followed the same steps subbing 166 for the former 35 followed by 1 so is there something I'm missing and it isn't as easy as I thought, or....?

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The only difference I can think of is that Reptrakos's tablet is a special item, not a regular item, so the editor input is ever so slightly different. If all else fails, you can find some more wine elsewhere. I believe there's an amphorae of wine somewhere in Nethergate, and you can probably find more in Vanarium or the Faerie Bazaar.


—Alorael, who admits that he hasn't used the new Nethergate editor. The way you input the item sounds like you were trying to give a special item, not a regular item, though.

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OK, you got me thinking, about the difference between the items, that is. So I went back to the CE and took note of the instructions. For the tablet I was told to use the first one, Add Special Item. So I tried the third instruction, which is Give Special Item, and left off the 1...worked perfectly! Thanks for the tip.

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