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Escape from the Pit discrepancies.

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Bought it purely to support SW.

Never got around to playing it, decided to put some some time in.

Some little things, I understand any fixing is on the part of the community, but really, I'm posting just to see if I'm going crazy. lol.

You can all search through your own files to confirm if you care.

This is not an exhaustive list, just some things I remember from playing.


In no particular order:

  1. Calder (Bahgra) says giants are outside their West gate, when it should clearly be East.
  2. Scab (Spire) has an extra space after "Anyway," in his dialogue in his response to "How did you fail?".
  3. There is a village of Giants in North Avernum that, if you choose to attack the village, are incorrectly labeled as regular Cave Giants. (Dialogue before that combat sequence explains that they are a-typical. Yes, I know that even if they live in a village outside the games caves they are technically still Cave Giants due to games location. Do not argue with me on that.)
  4. Generic Gremlins in South-West Gremlin's Gold have their name in CAPS.

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5. Cheat "everyoneinthetowerofmagiisnaked" doesn't work.


Is this a thing? Is the humor being lost on me?


There's a difference between the GREMLIN and the Gremlin. They have different stats. Just part of their "charm".


I'm not arguing that. I'm arguing that it breaks immersion and should be fixed by someone in the community.

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I would wager that Spiderweb sees that effect as PART of the storytelling immersion related to powerful gremlins, who seems to have weird effects on reality.


Regardless, it is clearly a deliberate choice on the part of the designer, and not a mistake, so what you suggest is less a fix and more a rewrite to please one's tastes. Nothing wrong with that, but let's call it what it is.

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...it is clearly a deliberate choice on the part of the designer...


It's not like the adventurer sees big text above their heads when he's slaying them. The text is for the gamer to identify what he's seeing. I understand it could be what you say, and if there weren't any other issues, I'd defer to your judgement considering your moderator status, but I don't agree, that it's "clearly" deliberate.

If it was so clear, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


Either way, it doesn't matter. There are some issues. That's all I'm saying.

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6. The name of the legendary joke item which summons cows to aid you in battle, Cowstone, is spelled wrong; it's called "Cowston", which is the name of the hidden town the summoned cows come from.




No really this is the reason why im gonna replay the whole game series. That and my huge ammount of time. But seriously. What other wonderous things did i miss....

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