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How about some Player Reviews...

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Hi all... I am looking forward to the Windows release of this game.


So... for those lucky ones of you who get to play the game now... how about a quick, spoiler free review. What do you think of the game? Try not to compare it to the original... just rate it on its own merit as a unique game.


Thanks to any who choose to write up some quick reviews.

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Since I am away from home at the moment and using a different computer and don't plan on registering it here, I am playing through the demo with a Celt party of 4. This game is immensely creative and unique in storyline. It is a really great game, and you should download it the day it comes out for windows. It even has snippets of actual history in parts (mainly item descriptions). However, I have noticed something slightly annoying that will probably get fixed in later versions. The game, since it uses the great BoA engine, makes numerous references to Mage and Priest Spells skill. But oh well. I could care less about some little mistakes like that.


There are tons of cool outdoor encounters to come across. The descriptions are rich and portray an interesting atmosphere. A very imaginative game. The dungeons are very cool, with the usual secret doors leading to treasure, intense boss fights, cunning puzzles to solve, etc. All great aspects present in all Spiderweb games.


I am really feeling the suspense, knowing that sometime, you must die and travel the land of the dead. I can't wait to register! The game has some of those nice cutscenes we all like to watch. Netheregate Resurection really is a great game. This is pretty much my testimonial of this game.


EDIT: Sorry. This post is a little bit sappy. I must have been kind of tired.

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Hmmm. Tough question. In terms of world size, of course not, because as with the beloved older engines, you can hold down the mouse button to travel the world at high speed.


In terms of quests, I would think there might be a bit less or a bit more that A4.


In terms of play time, for me, much more. I have grown very meticulous, always wanting to complete EVERY quest. If you aren't like that, than a bit less because of outdoor travel time.


If you want ultra-specific answers, maybe Synergy or some other powergamer will have compiled a list. Although that seems like a slight waste of time to me.



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Originally written by Ceylon:
How do the number of quests and/or length of play time compare to Avernum 4? Is is a similarly sized game?
There are few quests than Avernum 4, but you get to see Shadow Valley from both the Roman and Celtic viewpoints. It takes a little less time because it's a slightly smaller world map. There are 25 outdoor zones with a dungeon in all but one of them and most dungeons are multiple levels.

You do get to try more variations in parties than Avernum since the Romans and Celts have different skill sets.
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  • 1 month later...

Based on the previous comments I am going to blindly trust what they say and spend hard earned money on the game. Seriously, is it really that good?




1= No, we were lying. It is a terrible game.


10= If you don't listen to me Corrupted and get this game I will deem you a complete moron and lose all traces of what can even be remotely called respect for you.

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How much can you expect from a sleep deprieved 12 year old who spends most of his time staring blankly at the computer? Give me some credit. Rubbing together the few burnt out brain cells I have left to type on the computer is hard enough. But now you expect me to form coherent thoughts? Your sir, have crossed the line.

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