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Where can I stash my loot in Goagh-Nar as the Celts?

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Eventually, after you complete the mission, the only part of Goagh-Nar you'll still be able to reach is the entry cavern, the cave area where you first appear when you enter Goagh-Nar. From that cavern you either go down a secret passage to the west (if Celt) or into the front door (if Roman). If I'm not getting mixed up (which is possible) that's where's you've got to try to pile stuff before you exit Goagh-Nar. Once you leave the zone, the secret door and the front gate both close and you can't get back in.

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Let's see...if you've got to kill the queen then you're playing as the Celts. Yeah, from the area where the "civilized" Fomorians live, you kind of follow a loop up into the upper level where you kill the queen and then go back down into the lower area. At different points certain doors may lock or unlock. But somewhere along the way should get to a point where you'll be move freely through the different areas (possibly not until after you've killed the queen and been given permission to leave) when you get lug stuff to the entrance.


I think. whistle

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