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Something thats important to you.

Spddin Ignis

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The standard things, of course, all apply in this situation. God, friends, and family, that is to say.


Beyond that, I've had several driving passions lately. The first, of course, is writing. I have always enjoyed writing, and have done so avidly, since I first learned how to do so. Nowadays, I've mostly been writing poetry and essays of whim, but you all also know that I enjoy writing narratives, as in RPs.


Secondly, music is a great, common passion. Like most people, I enjoy listening to music; I won't go too much into the specifics of that, as it's been covered extensively in other threads. However, beyond just listening, I enjoy actively creating music. I'm a multi-instrumentalist, and I have been in multiple bands over time. I have to say, there's no feeling that really compares with completing a song completely original.


Next, I have been studying, of my own volition, psychology. It truly is a fascinating science, and I can say that I am fairly sure that it's the proffession I will attempt to follow. For those who haven't studied psychology, I would say that having a general knowledge of it is a very useful addition to your knowledge base.


Lastly, I joined my high school policy debate team at the end of summer. Policy debate, to me, is extremely fun; I've competed and won awards in two tournaments so far, as a novice, and each round is a wonderful battle of wits. For those of you who have a chance, I would definitely recommend joining up.

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Originally Posted By: Goldenking
Lastly, I joined my high school policy debate team at the end of summer. Policy debate, to me, is extremely fun; I've competed and won awards in two tournaments so far, as a novice, and each round is a wonderful battle of wits. For those of you who have a chance, I would definitely recommend joining up.

I remember back in high school, I did speech team. Our school had just got one, but our debate team had been around for a while. I was one of the first competitors ever there- I did pretty good, considering the circumstances. The ability to convey your ideas quickly and effectively cannot be overvalued in the real world.

As an aside, I attended the final rounds for nationals in debate and speech when I found out that they were in the same city I was serendipitously attending a seminar at. Good stuff.
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