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Original Nethergate: Health

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In the original version of Nethergate, my understanding is that Dexterity is at least as useful as Endurance in determining maximum hp. This is due to the fact that Dexterity increases the base values of six of the seven conventional Weaponry skills. (The eighth is Crystal Wand which seems to have no effect on hp.)


Health = 7 + Endurance + the sum of all weaponry skills

Now unlike Nethergate: Resurrection, weaponry skills have base values determined by Strength, Dexterity and Endurance.

Summing Weaponry skill Base levels, for health point purposes:


Melee Weapons, Integer ( (STR + DEX) / 4)

Spears, Integer ( (STR + DEX) / 4)

Javelins, Integer ( DEX / 3)

Slings, Integer ( DEX / 3)

Defense, Integer ( DEX / 3)

Armor Use, Integer ( DEX / 4)

Hardiness, Integer ( END / 3)



If (Str + Dex) is a multiple of 4, Dex is a multiple of 12, and End is a multiple of 3:

Health = 7 + Str 6/12 + Dex 21/12 + End 16/12 + Bought weapons skills

= 7 + Str/2 + Dex 7/4 + End 4/3 + Bought weapons skills

This can be checked by seeing what happens when you increase the given stats in the Character Editor. (You can't save the changes to the save game file if the game is not registered, but you don't need to.)

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