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kamfer's Achievements

Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. Oh darn, why didn't I think of that... I just figured he crawled back up right away because he kept coming back to that spot! I know just where to look, too! Thanks
  2. Nice list! Are you sure the riposte stats are accurate though? I've got 7 blademaster and 9 parry (unmodified) and I still can't buy any!
  3. I've been trying for a while now but I can't figure out the quest named "Bounty: Slith Spy" where you're supposed to find a horde spy northeast of Fort Dranlon... When I first got to Fort Dranlon there were three "Horde Spy" guys at the hill SW in the square east of Fort Dranlon, and I killed them before I got the quest from the job board and now I can't claim the bounty... is this a bug? (I don't want to reload to a save before getting there because I've covered too much ground since.) There's another fellow called Veress'yss just to the north but he seems unkillable in that fight since he always escapes no matter how hard you pummel him. Unrelated?
  4. This kind of stuff makes me so frustrated... This and that effing bug which means a quest can't be finished because you've circumvented it in one way or another and thus is dragged along in the journal until the bitter end. Anyway, going into that room is fine one out of 4 quick loads but I only get the first mine, the other mine ALWAYS goes off before I have the time to click the second one. BUG!
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