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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. Iron Bar is not level-based, and I just checked the latest beta. You can gain over a level worth of experience by waiting until late in the Taker Lands since there are over 300 bars. Shaper Equipment should be turned in until reaching near the 30 needed for the quest for the experience. After that save them since they are worth more for the quest than selling elsewhere. You can get over 3000 coins for them later in the game to use for buying training and sell the rest anywhere if you anger Medab. Only saw a little over 120 Shaper Records even with buying up from merchants. Still Barzites offer plenty of advantages with canisters that you can't get elsewhere since there is a restricted area only available to members in Rising. The original game demo was 24 zones so most of the Awakened Lands and all the Shaper Lands.
  2. It depends upon difficulty level, but on torment, magic shaping edges out fire because tier 4 creations don't affect your party whereas fire creations still do. Still like magic for the early acid attacks even if fire is cheaper cost. Battle shaping is better than in Mutagen even without war thralls doing range attacks. Guardians are finally much improved with area effect weapon shaping. You still can't do as much damage as an agent, but you are more likely to survive during a long fight with more health and evasion. You don't even need creations except for two fights that involve a new ability given to certain magic creations.
  3. Maximizing your character depends on what you want out of the game, story or completionism combat, and difficulty level. For torment difficulty you might want every level especially if you are playing a solo character without using creations. If you are playing on normal difficulty , then you won't need those extra levels. If you do the expert challenge area in Gaza-Uss, then you may need every last level. Mostly I just wanted to find out if it was possible to get that high without joining the Barzites. The game is definitely capped because you stop getting experience for killing things. I was surprised to find out you keep getting skill points at every level unlike Avernum and you could get a higher level than Mutagen..
  4. To squeeze out an extra level or tw0 at game end you need to hold off on doing two things that give experience that isn't dependent on your current level. Don't turn in any bars of iron quest until the near end or before making Drypeak hostile by attacking Zakary. This was in the original game. But the remake ends the quest once you reach 50, but will take all if you wait until more. Don't read an information codex (14 in game) or learn a creation unless you are a Shaper since each gives you 25 XP. There are 15 creations and only one is a quest reward for and Shapers get trained in Create Thahd by Shanti. If you are a Barzite you can get the quest in Gheth to collect Shaper Records (Research Notes In the original game) that can also be done near the end for almost a level in experience. It does balance out for the rest, but you can get higher levels sooner using leadership options in Drypeak area. You can't make higher than level 5 in the Demo.
  5. Jeff added several new weapons over the original and last remake so you might want to really wait and see before trying to come up with new ones. Plus Geneforge 3 original had augmentation of items to give them other abilities. Now missile weapons are still pretty much what we've had in previous games so there is room for new stuff there,
  6. The whole Eastern Gallery is too small compared to the first trilogy maps. You can buff the party at a town's gate and fight your way almost to the next town before the buffs are gone. It threw off the original game balance. The problem is that making the scale correct for the Eastern Gallery makes the map stretched out to north and south of it.
  7. In Illyree's cell -- hidden switch on north wall opens to body - invulnerability potion, 67c
  8. By the time Jeff gets to the last game the original will have trouble running the latest computers without an emulator or only on Windows cpmpaiblity mode.
  9. GF3 will no longer require so many trips to transfer items between islands thanks to the ink bag. I wonder if some new NPCs from GF2- Infestation will appear?
  10. All saved games from the Demo are compatible with the full game. The Demo is only a few hours of a very long game. It is less than 10% of the game in terms of zones.
  11. Geneforge 2 - Infestation has Weapon Shaping added so guardians have new abilities equal to an agent's spells. Read the descriptions of the other ones to get an idea of what lies ahead. Most of the change occur later in the game outside the Demo. There are new zones, quests, and items have changed from both the original and Geneforge - Mutation. Also you now have tier 4 creations and they have abilities not seen in the original game.
  12. Do you get any experience points for killing them? I'm not talking about the experience of fighting a never ending spawning creation. I never tried killing them after Jeff started making some things have no value.
  13. If you don't mind being really, really bored, then you can walk around the entire map and use the Orb of Thralni to visit almost every spot where you found growing herbs. They appear again after at least every second trip as time slowly passes in game. Still not a lot, but you can make as many wisdom crystals as you have patience to waste the. time. Also some places will have randomly generated roaming monsters to fight and loot while you do this. I did this playing a singleton character to reach really high levels.
  14. In Dharmon a witch in the Alchemist Shop will make wisdom crystals using one of each of the 5 herbs: healing, spiritual, and energetic herbs, mandrake root and graymold. Ask for potions to get the choice.
  15. Go to the character statistics screen by using the ?. In the bottom left corner is the option to move the character up and down in party order. There is still dexterity/quick action that can affect character order if enabled in settings
  16. Queen's Wish is a world view from a different perspective. Instead of Avernum/Exile from the perspective of the rebels and criminals dumped into exile, it's more like the Empire that dumps its enemies elsewhere to protect itself. It's also like Avadon in showing the more unsavory side to how a government stays in power and keeps things stable by striking deals to keep their power. The combat system is different in the emphasis on completing a dungeon in one trip. You have to manage your resources to have enough for the final boss battle and not being able to leave and return to do each section with overwhelming force. It also got rid of the extra experience with redoing a section like in Exile.
  17. Fatigue is how long before you can use another battle discipline. The more useful ones like adrenaline rush, the longer it takes. There are several items that will have a chance of reducing fatigue each round. Each item is checked separately and the chances don't add. So it's possible to have the fatigue go away before the maximum time and go down by 2 or 3 per round.
  18. The pools in the game have a limited number of uses to keep them from being an alternative from getting the spells.
  19. Hold down shift and d keys together to bring up the cheat code box in the center of the screen. Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. Take someone else's.
  20. The character sheet has a place at the top that lets you click to go to a page which has the spells for the character. That will show what level they have for each spell.
  21. Click on the ? next to your character portrait to see your character sheet. The bottom left corner has how many of each material you currently have. Or inside a fort, click on the bottom left icon to build in that fort to see what you can build there and the resources are list across the bottom.
  22. Get used to it. Even spell casters with maximum 90% mental resistance will get hit with mental effects. Only real solution is to increase dexterity and quick action so your fighter goes first and gets an attack, Gets hit with a mental effect. One of your spell casters cures it so the cycle can repeat.
  23. I've got a vague memory of a cheat from a similar problem in Avernum 5. Put the items in the character inventory and have that character die before reaching the area where the items get magically removed. Then when the character is revived outside the zone, the items are still there. I haven't played this game in years so I don't remember if that'll work because of what happens to inventory when you die. Jeff just wanted you to have the items to help with the fights on leaving the zone and not have them around later. Good luck.
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